Keep your WordPress website safe!
- Predictable costs – One flat-rate fee covers your basic needs.
- Fast response time – My top priority is keeping you safe.
- An hour of my time – I will be available for an hour each month for help with content updates, training, and troubleshooting, which essentially makes the service free!
Included in the service:
- Ongoing monitoring – Helping to ensure your site is up and running
- Login verification & Security – Monitoring for hacks and attacks
- Automatic updates – Have the newest WordPress, database and plugins
- Regular backups – Safely stored remotely in the cloud
- Speed testing & optimization – If and as needed
I’ll manage all the above for a flat-rate fee of $80 a month.
Questions? Please contact me today. If you’re ready, subscribe now! [wp_paypal button=”subscribe” name=” Monthly Website Maintenance Service” amount=”80.00″ recurrence=”1″ period=”M” src=”1″ no_shipping=”1″ cancel_return=”” return=””]