

Why WordPress?

WordPress is now used by more than one third of the top 10 million websites! In recent years it has become the easiest to use and maintain of the most popular free, open source web content management systems, WordPress, Drupal and Joomla.

Here’s a slideshow I put together as part of a class I taught about WordPress, To Democratize Publishing! – An Introduction to WordPress.

I can help you learn how to make content updates on your own. If you’d like to take a peek at how it works, here’s a well-written WordPress user manual that will help you to get an “overall understanding of how you use the various features within WordPress to keep your site or blog updated.”

Also, I believe in the mission of the WordPress project: to democratize publishing through Open Source, General Public License software.

I am happy to be standing on the shoulders of giants. I enjoy the view from up here. The possibilities are amazing. I love the generous, forward thinking community of folks who build and document WordPress, with the intention to create a “stable platform for web publishing for generations to come.”

To get an idea of the range of what a WordPress site may cost, you may like to check out this well-written article,
A General Pricing Guide for WordPress Websites.

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