Chicken out: Dispatching Daisy Mae, an example of my writing published on resilience.org.
Music is Love, a poem on how to fall in love by listening to something you do not know.
43% of the Internet Runs WordPress: To Democratize Publishing!
While at Brown University I lived for three years in two very cool co-op houses run by our very own Brown Association for Cooperative Housing.
After college I moved to San Francisco and lived in a very cool cooperative performance and arts space called Studio Valencia where I helped host monthly Performance Salon events/parties.
Eventually my wife Jehanne and I moved to Oakland and helped start up a consensus-based intentional cohousing community called Mariposa Grove where we lived for eight years, helping to create the first limited-equity housing condominiums in the city of Oakland.
Since then we’ve lived in Sebastopol. I’ve been involved in some cool communities here, too. We’ve not lived in community housing, but Jehanne’s a Waldorf teacher, a very communal world, and all three of us have been deeply involved in Waldorf community. As a volunteer I built the first website for the Sebastopol Grange where I spent a year in the official role of Worthy Musician! I have been a member of Sebastopol Sunrise Rotary and as a volunteer through Rotary International I built the website for Global Offsite Care and traveled to Nahan, India to provide and set up computer equipment to support a community of doctors in that area. I also am deeply involved in our very cool Chimera Maker Space community, teaching classes about WordPress and other open-source community-rooted software. Looking, always looking for more…
Volunteer Work
Working as a volunteer I’ve been a lead developer for the WIMPgives charity hackathon. For WIMPgives I built sites for Wallace House and Sonoma Valley Dog Owners & Guardians. Since then I built and maintain the sites for the Sebastopol Grange, and Global Offsite Care.